Ansible vs Puppet

October 15, 2021

Ansible vs Puppet: A Battle for DevOps Supremacy

If you're a DevOps engineer, you've likely heard about Ansible and Puppet. These two configuration management tools are two of the most popular in the world. They make it possible to automate the management of IT resources, from servers to applications.

But which one is best for your organization? Let's delve into the differences between Ansible vs Puppet to help you make an informed decision.

Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, Ansible is the clear winner. It has a simple, no-nonsense configuration language, and does not require an agent to run on the managed nodes. Ansible modules are also easy to use and are written in YAML format. On the other hand, Puppet's configuration language "Puppet DSL" is powerful but can take some time to learn. It also requires an agent to run on each managed node.

Winner: Ansible


When it comes to scalability, both Ansible and Puppet are capable of managing thousands of nodes. However, Puppet has a slight edge thanks to its compiled catalog feature. This feature makes it possible to pre-compile the manifests and distribute them to the agents, making the management of a large number of nodes more efficient.

Winner: Puppet


When comparing Ansible vs Puppet in terms of performance, Ansible wins again. Since it uses SSH to communicate with the managed nodes, there is no need for a separate agent running on each node. This makes it faster and more lightweight than Puppet. Another factor is that Ansible is written in Python, which is generally faster than Ruby (Puppet's language).

Winner: Ansible

Community Support

When it comes to community support, both Ansible and Puppet have strong communities. Ansible has an active GitHub repository with over 46,000 stars and 15,000 forks, while Puppet has over 4,000 contributors and over 8,000 stars. Ansible also has an active user forum, while Puppet has a vibrant community of users.

Winner: Tie


Both Ansible and Puppet support a wide range of systems and technologies. However, Ansible has more modules and plugins available for integrations with various systems. Ansible also has built-in support for Docker and Kubernetes.

Winner: Ansible


In conclusion, it's clear that Ansible vs Puppet is not an easy decision. However, when it comes to ease of use, performance, and integration, Ansible emerges as the winner. On the other hand, when it comes to scalability, Puppet has a slight edge over Ansible.

At the end of the day, your decision will depend on your organization's specific needs and preferences. Hopefully, this comparison has given you some useful insights into the differences between Ansible vs Puppet.


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